BC, while Gaius Marius was awaiting a triumph for crushing the rebellion of the Numidian Jugurtha and hoping his contested ...
The discovery of an Inca mummy on the Quehuar Volcano, located in the Salta region of Argentina in 1975, was a significant ...
El hallazgo de una momia inca en el volcán Quehuar, ubicado en la región de Salta, Argentina, en 1975 fue un descubrimiento ...
In the ancient city of Halaesa Archonidea (now known as Tusa), on the northern coast of Sicily, archaeologists have uncovered ...
There are historical figures who, for various reasons, transcend their status to become paradigms of something; in the case ...
Hay personajes de la Historia que, por diversos motivos, pueden trascender esa condición para convertirse en paradigmas de ...
In the popular TV series Vikings, it’s Ivar the Boneless who perhaps steals the spotlight with his peculiar personality, ...
The discovery of royal tombs and war chariots in Sinauli, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, in 2018 revolutionized ...
El descubrimiento de tumbas reales y carros de guerra en Sinauli, en el estado de Uttar Pradesh, India, en 2018 revolucionó ...