Maire, an Italian engineering and industrial group, has signed what it is calling a €200m sustainability-linked loan, but has ...
(ANSA) - MILANO, 18 OTT - Borse europee in ordine sparso nel finale, con gli indici Usa contrastati in attesa ...
Sebbene permangano preoccupazioni per il debito pubblico e la lenta crescita economica, ci sono stati segnali positivi sul ...
(ANSA) - MILANO, 18 OTT - Piazza Affari migliora a mezz'ora dalla chiusura, con l'indice Ftse Mib in crescita dello 0,38% a ...
The U.S. dollar has strengthened considerably in the first half of October, said J. Safra Sarasin Sustainable Asset Management’s Claudio Wewel.
(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Roma, 18 ott - Banca Finint, istituto presieduto dal banchiere veneto Enrico Marchi, definisce ...
Nordea swiftly prints tight senior non-preferred a day after earnings â—† Arkéa stretches even longer as it takes 10 year ...
In the world of finance, the focus so far this earnings season has been on the major US banks, but it is now the turn of UK giants Lloyds, Barclays and NatWest to report in the coming week. Meanwhile, ...