In Part I of this article, we looked at the history of the Dynaco ST-70 and some basic differences between the Series II and the original ST-70. In Part II, I will go into detail about the ...
ho letto la lettera pubblicata su TNT-Audio. Mi vengono in mente 2 possibili soluzioni, una è di contattare l'importatore in Italia o in un altro paese, talvolta più motivati di casa madre a gestire ...
One of the most frequently asked questions on our Readers' Corner appears to be related to speakers placement. More precisely, audiophiles seem to be concerned by the presence of the rear wall, and ...
Availability: directly from L C audio or through distributors (check LC Audio price list) Price [directly from L C Audio]: LClock XO around 120$, dedicated power supply around 27$, Hyperkit ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
Some products are more inspiring than others and for non-audiophiles it can be a little bit difficult to understand our enthusiasm for equipment that only looks just like a box to anybody else. DACs ...
Recently there has been quite a discussion on the TNT forum regarding bass performance. One correspondent asked whether a piano got down as low as 50 Hz and it made me realise that most of us don't ...
I admit it. I have been a recorderhead and I still am. In the early 80s I got introduced to the world of music, or was it audio?, courtesy of a friend who remarked that Nakamichis were the things to ...
DIY projects for building audio and HiFi cables. Interconnects, digital, power and mains cables plus general theoric articles. All the projects are FREE and NOT FOR SALE.
Fashions come and go and that's as true of hi-fi as any other part of our lives. When recorded sound was first invented, the sound was amplified by horns until somebody invented the moving coil type ...
8 years ago, early on in my TNT adventures in Hi-Fi, I unpacked one component I'd really been looking forward to getting my hands on – the SME IV pick-up arm. The reasons for my excitement were pretty ...
Recently I was in conversation with a manufacturer of turntables and arms. He said that in his opinion, given a basic level of competence in the turntable, the arm was responsible for 80% of the sound ...