Take for instance the proud Exportweltmeister title for dominating global trade and alleging a very high working ethos. Also, there is the Erinnerungsweltmeister status, the world champion of memory ...
As we mark the anniversary of the October 7 attacks, the Israeli government has brought the Middle East to the brink of war ...
Today, nowhere is the moral forefinger more clearly embodied than in Germany’s penchant for patting itself on the back with much-vaunted superlatives that place it at the pinnacle of global virtue ...
The EU claims to stand for freedom and democracy but, behind closed doors, it schemes for mandatory mass-surveillance ...
We call on citizens in Europe to stand up for their right to privacy, and reject any further of the implementation of ...
We are now witnessing a crucial phase in the liberation of Palestine and indeed an awakening of millions in the Global North ...
Austria’s elections saw a familiar result for Europe in recent times, but there are many facts that need to be mentioned to give a clearer picture of the situation ...
Exactly one year after the start of the latest and most brutal phase of the 76-year-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Brian ...
We will keep speaking out against the ongoing violence and occupation, and we hope that you will continue to support us in this mission ...
When Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the podium at the U.N. General Assembly last week, dozens of governments walked out of the chamber. The global opprobrium of Netanyahu and his ...
Die Europawahlkampagne von MERA25 bescherte auch dem hessischen Landesverband eine Menge neuer Mitglieder, was den Landesvorstand dazu veranlasste, vorgezogene Neuwahlen durchzuführen und das Team an ...
Das Europäische Parlament spricht sich mit überwältigender Mehrheit für die andauernde militärische Unterstützung der Ukraine „bis zum Sieg“ aus, will Beschränkungen für den Einsatz westlicher Waffen ...