In its too-long 50th anniversary spectacle, “Saturday Night Live” offered a skit in which marquee actor Tom Hanks did an ...
Listen, we've been waiting to see Venom fight Carnage in Venom 2: LEt There Be Carnage since that post credit scene and it is FINALLY time! Of course, that means I need to try and predict who will WIN ...
The European apparat knows their own past two decades of massive illegal alien influxes, disarmament, deindustrializing, ...
At last – the All-New Venom comes face-to-face with Dylan Brock ... stories because they too are slowly being absorbed by a superior intelligence – namely, LOLtron. *initiates evil mechanical ...
Three recent but completely unrelated events illustrate the deranged hatred of President Donald Trump and his supporters ...
The king cobra, with its superior size, speed, agility, and immunity to rattlesnake venom, would dominate in a hypothetical battle against a rattlesnake. Despite rattlesnakes possessing potent ...
Fear Of The Jedi #1, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis confronts her deepest fears as the battle against the Nihil reaches its ...
Afrobarometer survey, fifty-eight percent of respondents judged Ghanaian MPs as ineffective in passing laws or building ...
I can't help but sing these embarrassing nostalgic hit songs when they come on but only when no one else is around.
Of the two, Michael 'Venom' Page has the least to lose ... However, due to his size advantage and likely superior power, the prediction is Magomedov, but in a fight that sees both men hurt ...
Having found his idealism betrayed in America, Serbian-born screenwriter and playwright Steve Tesich produced an unlikely and bitter comic masterpiece ...
If you want to see what a villainous, god-complex-addled Tony Stark would look like, then read the Superior Iron Man comics ... a cheeky gift in the form of Venom’s Snow Symbiote skin.