In this epic showdown, a devoted dog proves its loyalty, standing its ground against a menacing mountain lion.
In the early hours of Feb. 28, Mendocino Coast resident and biologist Nadia El Adili awoke to a grim scene: two goats and a sheep — all cherished family pets — had been killed by a mountain lion.
Mountain lions can easily jump 6' fences. Watch as this mountain lion makes the leap into a homeowner's backyard.
On Saturday, Jan. 27, their 14-month-old cur mix Fergus was taken from their backyard by a prowling mountain lion. Miraculously ... took off in pursuit of their pet. Shawne told the outlet ...
The big cat was initially seen on Lomita Street, traversed along Ponderosa Road and made its way to Pheasant Hill Road.
(KTLA) Steve Gonzalez, California Fish and Wildlife information officer, said the roaming mountain lion was a good reminder for residents and pet owners to make sure they aren’t keeping food or ...
The Mountain Lion Foundation suggests motion lights or sprinklers. Avoid leaving out pet food or dirty barbeques. This could attract small wildlife, and in turn, bring mountain lions into your yard.