and they instantly like it. GV: What were the influences in comics or other media that motivated you to create Lucy? GV: The initial format of Lucy the Necromancer was a webcomic. Why did you choose ...
After two incredible issues, we see a bit of a dip in quality for the third issue in this series about the Caped Crusader and ...
TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and comic scribe Jason Aaron reflect on the past and future of the heroes in a half-shell ...
It may surprise some people unfamiliar with the US comic book industry, with its multibillion-dollar movie tie-ins, that it’s ...
Stand-ups need time and practice to get good. When they have to focus on promotion and their social media feeds, the art form ...
Comics that remix popular superheroes, a graphic novel memoir about taking care of a parent, and a manga featuring an ...