and they instantly like it. GV: What were the influences in comics or other media that motivated you to create Lucy? GV: The initial format of Lucy the Necromancer was a webcomic. Why did you choose ...
It may surprise some people unfamiliar with the US comic book industry, with its multibillion-dollar movie tie-ins, that it’s ...
Comics that remix popular superheroes, a graphic novel memoir about taking care of a parent, and a manga featuring an ...
The Noblesville Creates (NC) and Hamilton East Public Library’s (HEPL) 12th annual Comic Book in Day Challenge, presented by ...
Wildly popular strips like “Bloom County,” “Calvin and Hobbes,” “Cathy,” “The Far Side” “and “Doonesbury” peaked in the 1980s ...
Scott Wilson grew up obsessed with superheroes, but he never saw his own culture in the comic books he'd get lost in ... And he found the ideal elective: Create Your Own Superhero.
The movie Kraven The Last Hunter includes the following comic book-related credits and special thanks at the very, very end if you sit through a lot of mid-credit stuff… Kraven created by Stan ...
The historic publishers Marvel and DC Comics each changed superhero comics forever, but at different times and in entirely ...
By any reasonable standard, Chris Ware and Adrian Tomine are two of the greatest living American cartoonists. Ware is best ...