The Illinois Department of Human Rights will extend the time it allows people to file cases with the agency in the new year.
Human Rights Watch mourns the loss of Jimmy Carter, who made trailblazing contributions to the human rights movement during ...
President Volodymyr Zelensky appointed human rights activist Olha Reshetylova to the newly created position of military ...
Lawyer who filed the case said order also applies to Ortega’s wife. The couple are accused of murder, forced disappearances ...
After his defeat for reelection, Jimmy Carter built the Carter Presidential Library and nonprofit Carter Center.
Bangladesh's interim government claims to protect human rights, but rights groups report violations, including custodial ...
The convention must include mandatory dual criminality clauses, respect human rights safeguards, establishing that no cooperation will be provided in cases that could result in violations of ...
A general election in Germany is expected in February 2025. In December 2024, Human Rights Watch wrote to political parties ...
The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights has raised concerns over the rising number of government critics who were ...
Jimmy Carter was a dark horse Democratic presidential candidate with little national recognition when he beat Republican ...
A new greenhouse has popped up in Paddington, thanks to community gardener and artist Tony Heywood. It features all 30 ...